The project

The shipping transport sector is currently responsible for approximately 2.5% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, and this figure is projected to increase significantly if no measures are taken.

Conventional ship design has been almost perfected during the last decades. The new solutions needed to support the effort of a zero emissions maritime future will be varied and numerous, and will require a holistic approach.

The two solutions we will be building on the OPTIWISE project, which when combined go well beyond 30% savings are:

Substantial wind propulsion concepts.

A rigorous holistic optimised ship design, control and operation, including a change in conventional propeller propulsion.


The framework of the project aims to advance the necessary transformations

Scientific contribution in innovative ship design, coupled with new and improved wind-propulsion technologies. 

Delivering ship concepts with energy savings between 30% and 50% compared to equivalent conventional ships.

Paving the way for the introduction and development of more solutions to further reduce emission.

Illustrated operational feasibility, along with far reaching stakeholder engagement, aiming to facilitate market uptake.


The project will operate under a holistic scope, where all relevant ship systems will be considered together, rather than separately as is still common in design and control. More specifically the project’s unique approach aims to:

Develop and demonstrate a mission based, holistic design approach.

We expect energy savings between 5 and 10% from this integrated, mission-based design approach.

Improve performance of Wind Propulsion Systems.

We expect up to 5%-point increase in energy saving, through higher thrust contribution from Wind Propulsion applications.

Explore and demonstrate new integrated ship concepts with innovations in stern, propulsor, appendages and propulsion and energy systems.

This is expected to lead to 10-20% energy savings for a wind propulsion fitted ship.

Develop a mission-based, integrated smart energy management.

Estimated combined effect of these innovations could lead to some 10% saving in energy for a ship supported with wind propulsion.