Participation of UNIGE at the Port & ShippingTech 2023

Our partner, UNIGE, participated in the Port & ShippingTech in Genova from October 11 to 13, 2023. During the event, Alessio Tei delivered a presentation on the barriers and advantages of Renewable Energies within the future of the shipping and port industry.

The discussions at the event revolved around the opportunities arising from the development of shipping green corridors and the benefits of wind propulsion systems. Additionally, the conversation touched upon alternative fuels available in the market and the associated generalized costs required to promote diverse technology adoption patterns.

Port & ShippingTech is a prominent component of the Genoa Shipping Week. Over the course of fourteen years, this event has established itself as a leader in international gatherings focusing on logistics and shipping, and, more broadly, the development of the logistics-port system. The forum is dedicated to fostering discussions among professionals regarding cutting-edge technological innovations aimed at advancing logistics and maritime systems.

Port & ShippingTech is unparalleled in its field, offering three days of initiatives concentrated on business development for companies. The 14th edition of Port & ShippingTech took place in Naples on September 29th and 30th, 2022, as the primary conference of Naples Shipping Week.

Learn more here.


OPTIWISE Podcast Series - 2nd Episode


OPTIWISE Podcast Series is here! 1st Episode